music on the streets

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music on the streets

ouvir Moakley a cantar faz-me sempre ganhar o dia.
Moakley vem da Nova Zelândia e anda a passear e a promover os seus discos pelas ruas da Europa. vale sempre a pena parar e ouvir.
no Porto, costuma cantar na afamada Rua das Flores.
fiz um pequeno vídeo, (muito, mas muito mau em termos de vídeo, mas dá para ouvir um pouco a música….:) “that’s me in the corner”…..”loosing my religion”…..
listening to Moakley singning makes my day.
Moakley comes from New Zealand and is in trip arpind Europe promoting his songs.
it is worth stopping and listening.
in POrto he normally sings at famous Rua das Flores.
I ‘ve recorded him in a small video (terrible video, but you can listen some music:)


By | 2024-02-07T14:48:02+00:00 June 2nd, 2016|streets & places|0 Comments

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