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viver o porto_press 2023-03-22T10:40:30+00:00

Viver o Porto _ Press

Viver o Porto_press é a página onde partilho as situações em que o Viver o Porto foi alvo de destaque, em meios de comunicação social, tanto portugueses como internacionais.
Apesar de preferir sempre estar do lado de trás da câmara, ou do lado de quem entrevista, sabe sempre bem ver o nosso trabalho reconhecido.
Obrigada a todos que tem interesse em partilhar o Viver o Porto 🙂 
Viver o Porto_Press is the page where I share some of the occasions where Viver o Porto was highlighted , in several media, being it portuguese media, or international media.
Despite I always prefer to be behind cameras, to interview rather than being interviewed, it is always good to see our work revealed.
Thank you so much for all who chose the opportunity to share viver o Porto 🙂  

#Viver o Porto na revista
The Simple Things (UK)

featuring Porto on a British Lifestyle & Slow Living magazine
February 2023


#Viver o Porto (assinando Paula Calheiros) em artigo para a Revista dos Mercados Municipais de Matosinhos


#Viver o Porto (assinando Paula Calheiros) em artigo para a Revista dos Mercados Municipais de Matosinhos



#Viver o Porto on a local newspaper – @Jornal de Notícias
December 2017

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Viver o Porto weekly on local TV – Olá Maria Programme / Porto Canal
October 2016 – July 2017

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see one of my participations here

VIVER O PORTO on Sister Mag – featuring PORTO on a german online Magazine –
September 2016

viver o porto_press

Veja o post completo aqui / see my post about it here.

VIVER O PORTO on Allegra – a german magazine (distributed in Germany, Austria & Switzerland)
June 2016

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#VIVER O PORTO on an international travel site
full article here.

#VIVER O PORTO on an interview for Tavi blog

(Tavi is an ancient beautiful “confeitaria” located in Foz)
full interview here.

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#VIVER O PORTO back at Porto Canal (TV Station) ,

this time for an interview with Maria Cerqueira Gomes, at her programme Olá Maria.
link here.

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#VIVER O PORTO  on an online cultural site Rua de Baixo,

for an article about less touristic Porto

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#VIVER O PORTO on a local newspaper Porto24,

together with a few other bloggers, giving some tips on more exclusive things to do in Porto.
link for its online publication,  here.

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#VIVER O PORTO on  UK lifestyle magazine The Simple Things.

see full article here.

viver o porto_press

#VIVER O PORTO on a Magazize Interview (BPM magazine/ Arrendar Porto com Paixão):

ver link AQUI.

viver o porto_press

#VIVER O PORTO on Porto Canal (Tv Station)

link AQUI:

viver o porto_press

#VIVER O PORTO on Radio Nova (Radio Station)

link HERE

viver o porto_press

#VIVER O PORTO on Interview for Journalism University

link HERE.


See all the published articles: