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Wave Series 2019 – dias bons pelo Porto a respirar o mar

Wave Series 2019

As Wave Series 2019 trazem ao Porto e Matosinhos – de Março a Outubro – atividades e campeonatos de desportos ligados ao mar, como Surf, Longboard, Bodyboard, Stand Up Paddle…
Atividades que animam e dão uma vida muito especial à Praia Internacional do Porto, enaltecendo o mar, o surf,  e os seus benefícios. 
Entre 17 e 18 de Maio foi a vez da 2.ª etapa do Campeonato Nacional de Surf – a Liga Meo Surf,  que trouxe os melhores do Surf nacional ao Porto com o Renault Porto Pro.
Tomás Fernandes e Yolanda Sequeira foram os vencedores nas respectivas categorias.

Wave Series 2019
bring to Porto and Matosinhos – from March to October – activities and competitions related to the sea, like Surf, Longboard, Bodyboard….

Activities that cheer and bring a joyful life to Praia Internacional do Porto, honouring the sea, the surf,  and its benefits.
Between 17 and 18th May took place Liga Meo Surf – with the best national surfers in Porto with the Renault Porto Pro round.
Tomás Fernandes and Yolanda Sequeira were the winners, at the respective categories.

Wave Series 2019

Wave Series 2019

Dias bons e a boa energia que vem do mar

Wave Series 2019

Chamo a isto qualidade de vida:
sair de casa e pedalar até à praia, pôr os pés na areia, pôr os pés no mar, assistir a um campeonato de surf e desfrutar de toda a boa energia que um dia de sol e os surfistas emanam.
muitos dos meus dias são assim…. 🙂

Good Days and the good energy that comes from the sea

Wave Series 2019

I call it quality of life:
going out of home, riding a bike until the beach, put my feet on the sand, put my feet on the sea, assist to a Surf Competition and seizing all the good energy that a sunny day and the surfers let out.

many of my days are like these…..:)

Liga Meo Surf
Renault Porto Pro
(May 17-18 2019)

Wave Series 2019
Facebook / waveseries 2019

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