o Palácio da Bolsa albergou no passado dia 8 de Março – dia em que se celebrava o Dia Internacional da Mulher – a 1.ª edição do Women Summit, um evento com o intuito de promover a reflexão da mulher nos dias de hoje, e que contou com a presença de várias mulheres ativistas na sociedade falando sobre 4 temas distintos: Negócios & Empreendorismo; Política & Sociedade; Arte & Cultura e Ciência & Tecnologia.
Palácio da Bolsa was the chosen place to host the first edition of Women Summit, which occurred last March 8, on the International Women’s day.
The event was a reflexion on the role of the woman, nowadays, and had a group of atavist women talking about different subjects, like Business & Entrepreneuship; Politic & Society; Arts & Culture and Science & Technology.
a organização do Women Summit esteve a cargo da One World, e durante o evento foi distribuída a última edição da revista com o mesmo nome.
organisation of the Women Summit was by One World, and during the event the last edition of the magazine with the same name was handed to all the participants.
Manuela Caramujo – One world
I Pannel
Negócios & Empreendorismo / Business & Entrepreneurship
(from left to right)
Ondina Afonso – Director at Clube Produtores Continente
Sandra Correia – Shareholder Novacortiça SA
Teresa Silveira – moderation – Journalist at Vida Económica
Adriana Reais Pinto – Founder Barriga de Freira
Isabel Canha – Director
Teresa Silveira
II Pannel
Política & Sociedade / Politics & Society
Mariana Santos – Founder Chicas Poderosas
Rosário Gambôa – President Instituto politécnico do Porto
Catarina Carvalho – moderation – Director at
Guilhermina Rego – Vice President Câmara Municipal do Porto
Carmen Amado Mendes – University Teacher – Relações Internacionais Coimbra
Catarina Carvalho
“we are all equal, let’s prove it”
coffee break
III Pannel
Arte & Cultura / Arts & Culture
Carla Caramujo – Lyric singer
Ana Aragão – archtect & illustrator
Francisca Carneiro Fernandes – moderation – President CA Teatro Nacional S. João
Cristina Rodrigues – architect & plastic artist
Ana Aragão
IV Pannel
Ciência & Tecnologia / Science & Technology
Elvira Fortunato – Vice President Câmara Municipal Porto
Catarina Selada – Director at City Lab Ceiia
Joana Branco – moderation – Co-Founder Gene Predit
Isabel Veiga – Investigator, Univ Minho
March 7th- 8th
Palácio da Bolsa
One World
#womensummit17 #revistaoneworld #vamosfalardisto
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