about the Gin Tasting @Casa de Serralves

Home/about the Gin Tasting @Casa de Serralves

about the Gin Tasting @Casa de Serralves

foi a quarta edição da festa do Gin – o Gin Tasting – e desta vez com novidades, pois o evento foi alargado a todas as outras bebidas espirituosas, como o whisky, vodka, rum, tequilla, pisca peruano, vinho do Porto e moscatel.
o evento teve lugar na Casa de Serralves e nos seus lindos jardins, e lá estiveram representadas mais de 50 marcas premium da especialidade, numa festa que acolheu provas comentadas, workshops, muita animação e a participação de jovens mixologistas portugueses.
eu andei por lá e comprovei: um evento que já faz parte da rentrée da cidade! 
it was the 4th edition of Gin party – Gin Tasting – and this year bringing some news, as it has been opened to other spiritual drinks, such as whisky, vodka, rum, tequila, pisca, port wine and moscatel.
event took place at Casa de Serralves and in its beautiful gardens, where more than 50 premium brands were represented, in a party that hosted commented tastings, workshops, a lot of animation and the participation of young portuguese mixologists.
I have been there and can say: the event is now a must at Porto’s rentré.

Gin Tasting 2016
17 September 2016
Casa de Serralves
Rua de Serralves, 1052

coming edition, stay tuned:

By | 2024-01-23T18:32:22+00:00 September 21st, 2016|events|0 Comments

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