see you next year NOS Primavera Sound

Home/see you next year NOS Primavera Sound

see you next year NOS Primavera Sound

foram 3 dias, e cerca de 76 mil pessoas, um número que excedeu todas as expectativas. 
foi o Nos Primavera Festival, o festival feliz que faz o Porto feliz.
para o ano há mais, e nós já estamos a contar os dias.
3 days, and about 76 thousand people, which was much more than expected.
this was NOs Primavera Sound, a happy festival, that makes Porto happy.
next year there will be more, and we are counting days already.

NOs Primavera Sound
next edition: 9,10,11 June 2016

By | 2017-05-20T00:58:43+01:00 June 9th, 2015|events, general|0 Comments

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